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Rosehip and Vitamin C

When people consider sources of vitamin C, it is likely that their very first thought would be citrus fruit; however, what most people don’t know is that one of nature’s richest sources in this particular vitamin could be in their very own back garden. The rosehip fruit pod that is found at the base of the rose blossom may be tiny, but it contains more than 60 times the dose of vitamin C than that of an equal amount of citrus fruit. Fresh wild rosehips, particularly the Rosa Rugosa and the Rosa Canina, are the richest sources of the vitamin and also contain vitamins E and K.

Though some of the natural vitamin C content is lost throughout the processing of rosehip extract, rosehip supplements can still provide the benefits of this wonder-vitamin. 

Fighting the common cold:

Rosehips in their natural form or in supplement form can be taken for a boost of vitamin C, which is recommended to be taken regularly in order to prevent common colds and flu. Rosehip has the ability to boost your immunity and general wellbeing and its antioxidant powers can help to fight infection. The added vitamin C is great for maintaining healthy immunity, which can lead to fewer colds that are less severe and last for a shorter duration.

Protecting connective tissue collagen:

Vitamin C is needed as an antioxidant and cofactor for an enzyme that makes a special amino acid called 4-hydroxyproline in collagen strands. This function enables collagen fibres to link together to form strong structures. Without an adequate vitamin C intake, the collagen fibres in your connective tissue will become unstable.

Reducing your risk of developing arthritis:

Low blood levels of vitamin C could increase your risk of developing arthritis. Rosehip and vitamin C supplements can work together to create a powerful and effective remedy for reducing arthritic symptoms. Galactolipids within rosehips can help to prevent the breakdown of cartilage in your joints, while its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can also provide beneficial effects to painful joint damage.