Rosehip a natural painkiller
The pain-relieving properties of rosehips linked to reducing inflammation of osteoarthritis have been suggested for decades. However there is growing modern research to suggest that a powder made from a wild variety of rosehip, ‘Rosa Canina’, could actually be more effective at reducing pain than painkillers like paracetamol and other medications.
Osteoarthritis can occur in absolutely any joint of the body, but it is found to be most common in the hands, knees, hips and spine. It is caused by damage and wearing away of the joint cartilage, which then causes bone surfaces to rub together. This causes severe pain and inflammation as well as stiffness of the joints that leads to limited movement and mobility. Some form of pain killer is therefore needed to help with trying to keep people moving without it becoming too painful.
Rosehip extract is thought to be an effective pain killer because it contains polyphenols anthocyanins, which ease joint inflammation and joint damage. Rosehips also contain high levels of vitamin C with antioxidant properties that can override and eliminate harmful free radicals and the damage they can cause. Studies have also found that rosehips can reduce the activity of enzymes that are responsible for breaking down cartilage, which will then lead to joint damage.
Many studies have been carried out to test the effects of rosehip as a painkiller and have found significant results where patients noticed a great reduction in pain after taking rosehip. They have also found a reduction in people needing to use other painkillers to deal with the condition and an increase in people responding positively to their therapy.
However, not only does rosehip extract appear to act as an effective painkiller, but has also been shown to be even more effective than other painkillers. It is suggested that rosehip is almost 3 times more effective than standard paracetamol at relieving pain and almost 40% more effective than other common therapies, like glucosamine. In addition to this, rosehip does not have the side effects that are associated with other pain medications, such as gastrointestinal discomfort. Researchers have therefore concluded that the effects of rosehip are very much clinically relevant for reducing pain in osteoarthritis.