Understanding the nutritional needs of a 0-6 Month baby
Aptamil's 0-6 month baby products are nutritionally tailored to support the needs of a growing baby from day one. And, of course, when baby is ready for more than just milk, you can try him on Aptamil's baby cereals to give him a healthy start to weaning. The Aptamil range of products for 0-6 months is: Aptamil First Milk: A nutritionally complete formula that is suitable from birth if you are not breastfeeding or if you are combination feeding.
Aptamil Hungry Milk: A specially formulated baby milk that is designed to help delay the early onset of weaning, if baby is not being breastfed, or on combination feeding. It is made with casein proteins, which will help your baby to feel fuller for longer.
Our Special Milks: This range is specially tailored to support the dietary requirements of babies who are premature. It also helps to manage the symptoms of babies that are diagnosed with cow's milk protein allergy, reflux, regurgitation, colic, and constipation.
Aptamil Baby Cereals: The Aptamil range of cereals for babies aged 4-6+ months are nutritionally tailored for first weaning and offers baby simple tastes and smooth textures.
What are the benefits of Aptamil for a 0-6 Month baby?
Vision: Your baby doesn't see things the same way you do from the moment she is born. This is because the brain isn't able to immediately process all the visual information it receives. By the time your little ones is 1 month old she will be able to consistently focus bother her eyes and track moving objects. By 2 months, she can see colours. While babies are able to see colours from birth, they find it difficult to distinguish tones that are similar--like red and orange. When the baby is 4 to 6 months old her depth perception will begin to develop. Before this point your baby will have had difficulty in locating an object's exact position, size, and shape.
Nutrition for vision: As your baby grows and develops, her visual development is supported by substances known as LCPs--Long Chain Polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are also referred to as Omega 3, which is present in breastmilk. LCPs found in Aptamil food for infants is essential for the structure and function of the membranes, especially the brain, retina, and nervous tissue. Studies even indicate that LCPs contribute significantly to the infant's visual development.
Skin and Tissue: Your baby's skin is his first line of defence--it's his covering over his entire body that acts as a barrier. Skin is divided into 3 layers of tissue--the Epidermis (the thin outer layer), the Dermis (a thick middle layer) and the Subcutaneous Layer (the bottom layer). The skin is actually the body's largest organ and it plays a major part in regulating the body's temperature through sweat glands. A sense of touch is primarily operated through the skin, which alerts the rest of the body, via the central nervous system, to possible threats like high and low temperatures, pressure, and pain.
Not only does holding your little one close feel good, but the skin to skin contact between mother and child is important for babies too. The heat from your body relaxes and comforts them and they are exposed to the bacteria on your skin the second the bonding process starts. (No matter what mode of feeding you plan for your baby, skin-to-skin contact should first happen soon after birth.)
Nutrition for your baby's skin: All the essential nutrients that are required by a baby's body can be found in breastmilk, and as your baby gets older and you wean him/her, they will start to get these necessary nutrients from additional sources. The growth and maintenance of healthy skin and tissue is important. Because it is a complex, multi-functioning organ, the skin requires a varied mix of nutrients that will help to support its vital functions. Vitamins A, C, and E play a huge role in the development of healthy skin. Vitamin A aids in the functioning of the immune system and in reproduction and growth of cells. Vitamin C plays a part in supporting the immune system (in which the skin plays a key role), and Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin E also protects your baby's skin cells.
Aptamil's range of food for 0-6 month babies contains Vitamins A, C, and E as well as Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) which is needed for the normal structure and function of the membranes and skin. Aptamil food for 0-6 month babies also contains Zinc which is required for tissue growth and repair.
Motor Skills: From the time your baby is born his brain continues to develop at a rapid rate and usually triples in size during their first year. This increase is usually in relation to the baby's rapid development of motor skills. As life starts out, an infant's arm and leg movements are jerky, and when not eating, sleeping takes up most of their day. During the next 6 months, the brain develops, and your baby's movements will start to be more controlled.
Milestone increases in motor skills are usually around 3 to 6 months of age. Around 3 months, you will notice your baby being able to support his own head, which is due to the development of muscle in the neck, and you will be watch him start to kick his legs vigorously when lying on his tummy. By 6 months your baby will usually be able to roll over from back to front, and if held standing, they can take their weight on their little legs. At this time they will be able to sit up with support and look around as they turn their head from side to side.
Nutrition for your baby's brain:Aptamil milk formulas contain iron to help support your baby's brain development and motor skills. Iron found in these formulas plays a key role in the nervous system function, because it enables nerve cells to transmit information and allows the healthy development of brain processes.
Babies are born with iron stores in their body but around 6 months of age these will start to deplete. Once you start weaning your baby it is even more imperative that replenish them with foods that are naturally high in iron. Foods like broccoli are high in iron, and combining iron rich foods with those that are high in Vitamin C will help the body to absorb the iron more efficiently.