Aptamil for you and baby
When it comes to the nutrition of your baby, breastfeeding can't be beat, and it is important that in preparation for and during breastfeeding you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Aptamil encourages breastfeeding as the best start in life for your baby, however there are times when breastfeeding your baby is not an option and it can be tough for moms to find a baby milk formula that carries all the same nutrients and qualities as breast milk. Aptamil works to ensure that moms who are not able to breastfeed are able to give their baby the best start in life.
With over 30 years of experience in the world of baby nutrition, Aptamil and their passionate team of pediatricians, nutritionists, and scientists have created a range of infant milk formulas, infant nutrition, and baby cereals that will help your baby get the nutrition that is needed at every stage of development. Aptamil continues to take inspiration from the benefits of nature to develop unique formulas that are tailored to support your baby's nutritional needs.
Combining breast and bottle feeding during the first weeks your baby's life may reduce the supply your own breast milk, and it is important to remember that reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. Be sure you fully consider the social and financial implications of using an infant milk formula. Remember also, with all infant formulas, that improper use of an infant mil or inappropriate foods or feeding methods may present a health hazard to your baby. Follow the instructions carefully and always consult your doctor, midwife, or health visitor for advice about feeding your baby.
Not all mums choose to breastfeed, and while some will feel comfortable with breastfeeding, others mums will prefer other means of feeding their little one. Some mums feel comfortable expressing breast milk and feeding using a bottle, and other are happy to use infant formula completely. Regardless of whether you breastfeed, bottle feed, or formula feed, to breastfeed or not to breastfeed is a personal decision. Whatever your personal choice, we at Chemist Direct hope this section will help you to prepare yourself and your baby for the introduction of a bottle and formula milk.
The Aptamil range of infant milks provides your baby with nutritionally tailored support that will aid in their healthy development throughout the different stages of growth. Read on to better understand why Aptamil is the best choice for a healthy baby!