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Bedwetting advice

Before the age of 5-6, bedwetting is actually very common. It can seem frustrating, especially if your child is completely dry throughout the day, but it’s not rare and you’re definitely not alone. Bedwetting can even continue as the child gets older and 1 in 10 9 year olds are still experiencing bed wetting. Wetting the bed will usually settle around the age of 5 and by the age of 7 85% of children will be dry, but there’s no definite answer to when your child is ready to go through the night with no accidents.

At the end of the day nobody is to blame for bed wetting and you need to let your child know this. It’s not their fault for having an accident as some children take longer to get the hang of bladder control. You also need to let younger children know that bed wetting is completely normal and it certainly doesn’t just happen to them. Sometimes, when a child is asleep their brain just doesn’t respond to the full bladder signal, which is why they wet the bed without realising. No matter what age your child is, Pampers is here to help your child with bedwetting with their UnderJams Pyjama Pants for ultimate overnight protection.

Age 3-4:

Accidents at this age are definitely not uncommon, but you still need to approach the subject with the right attitude in order to give your child the best chance of a full dry night. Don’t make a big deal out of it, be sensitive about the issue and provide lots of encouragement. Just as you did with potty training, make sure you praise their success, whether they’ve gone to the toilet of their own accord before bed, told you they’ve wet the bed or made it through the whole night accident-free.

Age 5-6:

Although bed wetting at this age is still quite common, it can cause stress and anxiety for both you and your child. At this age they may begin to experience anxiety before bedtime, so it is essential to keep the bedtime routine as fun and as soothing as possible. Around this age, it is important for the child to understand that bed wetting is still a common condition, especially with boys.

Get the child used to having one last trip to the toilet before lights out and remember to limit any drinks before bed. Though a distressed child, wet sheets and interrupted sleep can lead to a miserable night, just understand that for some children it can take longer to get through the night completely dry. Also talk to your child about it and how they feel, as this will help to relieve any negative feelings and your child will know you understand and empathise.

Age 7+:

Although bed wetting at this age is less common, it can still affect many children, even up to the age of 14. As they get older and more aware of the issue, it is likely they will be more troubled and affected by it, which could make the problem worse. Patience is the key in this case, as it’s likely that you’re doing everything you possibly can, so it’s just a matter of waiting until your child is ready. Just to rule out any possible health concerns, it may be worth a trip to your GP as bed wetting could be a symptom of a urinary tract infection, constipation or diabetes. Make sure you communicate with your child and talk through how they’re feeling and make sure they know you understand and they can talk to you at any time.