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A full night sleep

Newborns and young children under 5 are likely to experience some sleeping troubles and around a quarter of babies will refuse to go to sleep or wake in the night. Children are most likely to wake in the night because they’re hungry or need changing, but thankfully, Pampers nappies ensure 12 hours of dryness so you can all enjoy a golden night of sleep. Keeping a few things in mind and a little help from Pampers will help you and your child to get the best possible change of a full night of sleep.

Bedtime routine:

No matter how old your baby is, a bedtime routine is essential to set in place from day one to give them the best chance of sleeping through the night. Keep it short and simple, but baby will soon get used to what is going on and quickly associate that bath time means it’s nearly bedtime. Bath, nappy change, pyjamas and a story is the easiest routine to maintain and make sure it’s completed in the baby’s bedroom. For the night time, change your baby into Pampers Baby Dry to give them the best chance of staying dry all night long.

You could also give them their favourite security toy at bedtime only, so they know it’s time to sleep. Keep the toy near you for a while so it begins to smell like you. Babies have an excellent sense of smell, so if they wake in the night they will instantly be calmed by the smell of you.

Let them settle by themselves:

Giving your baby the chance to settle on their own is incredibly important. If you notice them getting tired and sleepy, but they’re still awake, lay them on their back in their bed and they may settle and go off to sleep of their own accord. If they get used to being rocked and held when they’re tired, they may begin to depend on it. However if they’re crying after being laid down, go back to them and try to calm them down, put them back into bed and leave the room to see if they have settled themselves.

If they are older than six months, try the controlling crying method. This is where you leave the room for a few minutes before returning and extending the periods of time they are left alone between each visit. This will make them realise that they need to settle and go to sleep.

Let them know the difference between day and night:

A bedtime routine will definitely help will this establishment of night and day, but there are a few more things you can do. Try to make daytime feeds as lively and social as possible and night time feeds quiet and calm, which will help them to set a body clock. You can also encourage wakefulness during the day by being talkative and getting them used to noises like the washing machine and the radio, but night time is a time for being very hushed, soothing and quiet.