Easy home exercises for joint pain
In this article we’ll look at some easy exercises you can do at home to improve strength and flexibility in your knees, hips hands & wrists.
Strengthening and Flexibility Exercises for Joint Pain
Exercise forms an important part of helping to manage your joint pain – in fact, regular physical activity can reduce your risk of joint pain by 25%. Low-impact exercise is recommended for people with all types of arthritis.
These exercises are designed to improve strength and flexibility for different types of joint pain. Talk to your health professional, physio, or exercise professional about which types of exercise are most suitable before starting a new exercise regime.
Leg lift

Stand behind chair & hold. Move ankle towards glutes. Hold in place with other hand. Return to start position and repeat.
Straight-leg raise (sitting)
Sit in a chair with good posture. Straighten one leg, hold for the count of 10 and then slowly lower. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
Step up

Stand in front of a step of comfortable height. Step up with one leg leading and then the other. Repeat.
Sit on a chair. Without using your hands for support, stand up and then sit back down. Make sure each movement is slow and controlled. Repeat until you can’t do anymore.

Sit with your hands on your waist. Stand up and then slowly sit down.
Hip abduction

Lift your leg sideways, being careful not to rotate the leg outwards. Hold for five seconds and bring it back slowly, keeping your body straight. Hold onto a chair or work surface for support.
Reverse leg raises

Stand behind a chair. Slowly move your leg backwards keeping your knee straight. Do not lean forwards. Return to starting position and repeat.
Knee lift

Lie on your back. Keeping one leg straight, pull the other knee to your chest until you feel a stretch. Hold for around 10 secs and relax. Repeat.
Hand & Wrist
Finger flex

Bend the first two joints of your fingers down and straighten again. Repeat.
Finger squeeze

Place palm of the hand on a towel on the table, fingers apart. Pull fingers together by pressing down and bunching the towel up between your fingers. Relax and repeat.