Eczema & Dermatitis
Skin becomes red and itchy - Skin becomes cracked and may bleed.
What causes Eczema & Dermatitis?
Eczema flares up when an allergen (something that triggers an allergic reaction) irritates the skin. Common triggers include: dust mites, pet dander, eggs, nuts and cow’s milk. Eczema is largely an inherited condition although the responsible genes have not been fully identified. Eczema can get worse due to hormonal changes and stress.
How to treat Eczema & Dermatitis:
- Use emollients (moisturisers that reduce water-loss from the skin) frequently. These are available over-the-counter and should be used even when the skin is clear
- Honey is a great healer. Not only does it contain antibacterial properties, but it can also help to keep skin moist and soft
- Severe symptoms can be treated with corticosteroid medicines available via a private or NHS prescription
- A GP may also prescribe antihistamines to relieve itchiness during flare-ups
Alternative Remedies
There is no hard proof that herbal remedies or food supplements help but some patients swear by them. Bathing in oatmeal is thought to help keep the skin moist.