Antiperspirant or deodorant?
There is a big difference between antiperspirants and deodorants that most people are unaware of - antiperspirants stop sweating, but deodorants do not. A lot of us assume that deodorants and perfumes are enough to combat sweating, but as deodorants don’t actually stop sweating in any way, they’re not recommended for tackling excessive sweating. Deodorants work by neutralising the odour from sweating by killing bacteria - after all it’s not actually the sweat that causing the smell, it’s the bacteria living on the skin. Though neutralising the smell can provide some peace of mind, it won’t stop excessive sweating or visible wetness. Instead, deodorants try to cover up sweating once it’s already happened, whereas antiperspirants actually prevent sweat from occurring in the first place.
Antiperspirants stop sweating by temporarily plugging and blocking the opening of your pores, which decreases or stops perspiration in the sweat glands. The effects can last between a few hours and several days before the plug is naturally dispersed and perspiration continues. Powerful antiperspirants like Driclor are effective treatments for excessive sweating and should be applied to clean, dry skin. It is suggested to apply your antiperspirant at night, just before you go to bed, as this is when the sweat glands are least active. They should then be washed off in the morning to take full effect and help you to stay dry and fresh.
The secret to an effective antiperspirant is aluminium chloride, which is a popular ingredient for strong and prescription antiperspirants. It is used because it reacts with the water in your sweat glands in order to seal them, thus temporarily stopping perspiration. Stronger antiperspirants are also alcohol-based, not water-based to ensure long-lasting effects. Most antiperspirants are also free from perfumes to avoid irritation and can be used on even sensitive skin suffering from hyperhidrosis.
Shutting off the sweat production is the most effective way to control excessive sweating as it will prevent wetness and odour together, which will allow you to keep cool and confident through the day. Strong antiperspirants can come in roll-on and aerosol forms to ensure that you can control sweating on the common parts of the body that produce excessive amounts of sweat in hyperhidrosis like the underarms, hands, feet and chest.