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Benefits of Dr Browns baby bottles

Has your baby been having problems with colic, spit-up, gas, and burping?

Dr. Brown’s baby bottles are specially made to help lessen these kinds of problems. While shopping for bottles for your little one you may wonder what sets Dr. Brown’s Baby Bottle apart from other brands. Your baby will be able to feed more comfortably with Dr. Brown’s baby bottles because the vent system allows him to nurse freely without having problems with vacuum or the discomfort of ingesting air bubbles. This will in turn reduce the feeding problems like colic, spit-up, burping, and gas.

Preserve the nutrients

A recent study showed that after a 20-minute bottle feeding, three of the most important nutrients-vitamin A, C, and E-declined. Results from the research suggest that both the amount of air in the baby’s bottle and the bottle design have an effect on vitamin levels.

These three vitamins are important for the health and growth on your little one. Children with a low intake of vitamin C are at risk of developing frequent and more severe common illness. A lack of vitamin E can lead problems like anaemia and degeneration of the spine and brain. Low intake of vitamin A can cause immature bone cells resulting in weak, poorly formed bones. Vitamin A is also essential to healthy immune cells and resistance to infection.

A key feature of Dr Brown’s Bottles is that it preserves the necessary nutrients through a unique bottle design. These bottles are different from others because they have a vent system that allows air in the bottle to bypass movement through the milk so that no bubbles are formed as the air is removed.

Bottles that form more bubbles essentially cause lower levels of vitamins A, C, and E because they are susceptible to oxidation.

Key features of Dr. Brown’s bottles:

  • Specially patented with a two-piece internal vent system that eliminates air and provides vacuum free feeding, allowing your baby to feed comfortably.
  • Reduces air bubble oxidation of the milk.
  • Essential vitamins like A, C, and E are preserved because air never mixes with the milk.
  • Preserves vitamins and lipids, both of which are key to your baby’s health.
  • Is similar to breastfeeding because it has a fully-vented bottle design that provides vacuum-free feeding and reduces build-up of fluid in your baby’s ear.
  • Breast milk or formula can flow freely without nipple collapse.
  • Free of Bisphenol-A.
  • Contains no PVC, lead, or phthalates.