Baby & Children
Raising children brings joy and responsibility in equal measure. For all the good times there will be hurdles with most youngsters succumbing to at least one or more childhood illness during their early years. Here's a roundup of the most common predicaments along with tips and advice.
Big babies aren't healthier babies
It used to be thought that big bouncing babies were healthy but new research reveals that it's better for babies to grow at a steady rather than rapid rate in their first few months of life. A study published in the British Medical Journal reveals that babies who put on weight very quickly have six times the risk of being obese in the future. The message from experts is simple: if your baby is the right weight and height for its age then there is no need to wake him or her for extra feeds nor to urge formula-fed babies to always finish their bottle.
Do fish oil supplements make kids smarter?
If new findings are to be believed, it would seem foods and supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids (found in oily fish) can help boost intelligence. Scientists from New York University found that supplementing pregnant women and newborns with foods rich in Omega-3 boosted children's IQ by more than 3.5 points. The experts believe the fatty acids help raise intelligence by providing the building blocks for nerve development that the body cannot produce on its own.