Living With Hair Loss
Abnormal Hair Loss is a common problem amongst hundreds of men, women, and even children the world over. At least half of all adults will experience some form of hair thinning or hair loss before the age of 60. When we talk about “Abnormal Hair Loss” it does not refer to the normal couple of strands that are left floating down the drain when you wash your hair or the extra fuzz in your hair brush. On an average, it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs in a day; hair lose becomes abnormal when shedding exceeds more than that and growing hair does not replace it. If you feel that you are running the risk of losing your hair, consult your doctor for the cause and discuss treatments that will be helpful.
Many factors can cause people to lose their hair but the most common is hereditary hair loss. Annoyingly, this condition affects 40% of men under 35, but at least that means you're not alone. That is why Alpecin is here to help you combat hair loss.
What is normal hair loss?
On average, the adult head has 100,000 individual strands of hair and most people will shed between 40 and 120 of these per day. The reason for this is that hair growth follows a cycle. Cleverly named the hair growth cycle, it features three phases in which old hairs must be released to make way for lovely new ones.
What is abnormal hair loss?
Abnormal hair loss means you're losing more hairs than are being replaced. If this is the case, you'll probably be able to see more of your scalp than you used to, or you'll notice more hair than normal clogging up the plughole.
There are many reasons that could be to blame - a medical disorder, prescribed medication, poor nutrition, bad hair care techniques or severe stress such as emotional anxiety, surgery or prolonged illness.
But the most common cause – representing 95% of hair loss is a hereditary condition known as hereditary hair loss, male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia. This is where the genes and hormones in your body have a shrinking effect on your hair follicles, making them ineffective at growing new hairs.
If you are worried about losing your hair through male pattern baldness, it's a good idea to speak to your local pharmacist, who can offer help and advice. Hereditary hair loss, can be easily treated using Alpecin. For other types of hair loss you should visit your GP for advice.
Useful Tips:
- Don’t blow-dry your hair using a high heat setting.
- Avoid using harsh chemical dyes.
- Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
- A very short haircut can detract from a receding hairline.
- A layered haircut can make your hair look thicker.