If you're in need of relaxation, a nice bath or revitalising shower might be just the ticket. Using the right bath & shower products can help soothe sore muscles or offer relief for itchy or sensitive skin. We always have a large variety of salts, oils and creams in stock. There are specialist products for babies and infants (for which we also stock talcum powder), those with skin issues such as psoriasis and those who just want a nice smelling bubble bath to sink into.
show more show lessFenjal Classic Creme Body Wash 6 Pack is a unique creamy and smooth shower emulsion that nourishes the skin with a high share of precious Jojoba oil.
9 reviews Limited Stock £20.63£25.79Doublebase Emollient Shower Gel 6 Pack is a treatment for you to use to apply to your skin during your normal showering routine.
3 reviews In Stock £53.00Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Bar Soap Six Pack is a rich-lathering soap specially formulated to cleanse, without leaving a dry, tight feeling. Enriched with Vitamin E. Contains 6 bars of Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Bar Soap.
5 reviews Out of stock £15.49