Hard, rough and dry skin does not generally cause much pain or discomfort. However, it can be unsightly, sometimes irritating and may well lead to calluses, which can be
painful and more stubborn
Whilst it is natural to have some hard skin on the ball of your foot, callus may form due to excessive stress and friction.
Calluses tend to be round and a yellowish in colour.
The thickening of the skin is the body's natural way to protect itself.
However, if the stress is excessive and allowed to continue the skin can become progressively thicker and the resulting callus can cause pain or discomfort.
Calluses can be pain free or can tend to cause a wide-spread burning sensation rather than the sharp, acute pain associated with corns.
Calluses are usually creamy-yellow in colour, round or oval in shape, about 2cm in diameter (larger than corns), and have visible, ridged skin lines on their surface.
Where there is concentrated pressure on the affected area, the top of the callus may take on a shiny veneer and the surrounding skin can appear reddened and irritated.
Remove hard thickened skin gradually with a file such as Party Feet Smoothing Foot File or Dual Action Foot File and follow with an intensive moisturiser such as Intensive Night Treatment.
Scholl also has a Callus Reducing Cream, which can be applied to help reduce the callus and hard skin (in 7 days).
You may wish to try Scholl Callus Foam Cushion, which will relieve pressure and friction.
However when the callus is particularly stubborn, Scholl Callus Removal Pad is available for safe and effective removal. It contains salicylic acid, which chemically breaks down the callus.
Exfoliate feet regularly using scrubs or files.
Moisturise your feet on a daily basis to keep hydrated and supple.
Wear well-fitted shoes appropriate to the situation you are in and avoid high-heeled shoes.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist or healthcare assistant for advice or if you have an underlying medical condition, are taking any other medication or complementary therapy, or if symptoms persist.
Also seek advice on footcare if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or suffer from diabetes or allergies